K1FRC Amateur Radio Online



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K1FRC's Amateur Radio Live


K1FRC Station Information:


Icom IC-7610, Yaesu FT-DX 10, SDRPlay RSPdx running SDR Connect, SDRuno and SDR Console. The first two pieces of receiver software were created by SDRPlay, SDRconnect being their newest product under development. You can download versions of each software package at https://sdrplay.com. SDR Console is available at SDR-Radio.com 

The computer used for audio (and this website) is an HP Pavilion with 12 gigs of RAM, two internal and two external hard drives with a total of 8 TB of storage capacity! This system also hosts HitOldies.net (our longtime Oldies station, playing the hits of the 60s through the early 90s), and its the home of the legacy website, Airchexx.com.  I’ve just built a new machine that will be used to produce videos and be a second terminal for the FT-DX 10.  It’s running Windows 11 Pro, with 2, 1 TB internal SSD drives and 96 megabytes of RAM.  I think I should sign up to help run NASA space programs with that machine, hi hi!  I guess I’m gonna start doing some gaming, too. 


Player Schedule:

Please note:  The schedule is not necessarily firm.  I change frequencies manually after I get up for the day and get moving, so sometimes, you’ll hear dead air, other times, perhaps a different QSO in progress.  And, once in a while, I’ll have the radio on a shortwave station.   The only time that there will not be audio streaming from this player is if I have to disconnect for thunderstorm activity in the area.

4:30-5:30 am – 3.906 MHz Net

5:30-6:30 am – 3.906 MHz New England Weather Net

7:00-8:00 am – 7.228 MHz Al Williams Memorial Net

8:00-12:00 pm – East Coast Amateur Radio Service Net (ECARS)

On a personal note, I am honored to be the net control operator for ECARS on 7.255 mHz for the time being every Saturday, 9-10 am Eastern Time.


Weekend Programming…

Includes some music and syndication. The reason for this is that I haven’t inserted the code yet that will automatically take the “aux in” in automation and then shut it off (I believe these would be called “contact closures” in the days of tape decks and actual hardware automation) in time to air the few shows that go from this studio to the various commercial radio stations I broadcast to. This may be fixed in the coming weeks. Saturday programming goes to music at 4 pm and returns to Amateur Radio programming around 10pm Eastern (UTC +4) On Saturdays.

Just for fun, here’s an interesting view of our solar system –