Category Bad Boy Frequencies

AC1DD Caught Baiting All Stations On 7.200 mHz. Why Do People Talk To This Guy?

With stations on one frequency all talking over the talk of each other and someone playing music, one has to wonder, do these people have JOBS? Do they have families?

While Joe Italiano doesn’t show up on 7.200 all that often, when he does, the whole character of the frequency changes.

Before you play the video, check THIS out! Joe is a known pedophile, a know-it-all who takes great pride in baiting other stations, hoping to start a fight, gaslighting anyone who doesn’t hold the same freakish left wing views as he does, and generally being the worst nuisance in all of Amateur Radio. Joe is the proud recipient of several FCC-issued NALs (Notice of Apparent Liability), Formal Notices of Interference and probably some other things. He allegedly beat his wife so severely that she got an emergency restraining order against him several years ago just before she filed for divorce. Joe claims to be the (onetime) president of NAMBLA – North American Man-Boy Love Association. WARNING: If you follow that link, you will probably be GREATLY OFFENDED. This is SICK STUFF! This has apparently been verified. READ ALL ABOUT IT HERE. Yeah, Joe Italiano is a real piece of work, worthy of the highest Dirtbag Award he could get. One day when I get a little better with Photoshop, I’ll m.efore I present MY recording from tonight, here’s a real goodie from a few years ago.  Joe at is best.  Note, Joe has had many different call signs.  PARENTAL WARNING:  This is NOT suitable for children!

Well, now that THAT’s out of the way, Here’s a recording I made last night. I trimmed it way down, because, well, people have short attention spans, and 90 minutes of audio might bore you to tears.

And The Hits Just Keep On Comin’! The Noise On 7.200 mHz Keeps Getting Louder!

Friday, September 20 was an exceptionally good night on the HF bands.  Over the past several weeks, propagation has improved dramatically over the near dead-band conditions we experienced over the past Summer, and that led to quite an unscheduled “FBO Net” on 7.200 mHz.  Wait, what’s an FBO?

Technically,  “FBO” stands for “Fine Business Operator”.  Don’t get me going on what any of this stuff really means in real-time.  The term “Fine Business” has been used on the Ham Bands for a very long time, but not in the way it’s come to be in the group of operators who cling to 7.200 on the 40 meter band.

About a month ago, a group of operators led by Darren R Echterling, WO9E, started something called the “Fine Business Operator’s Group”.  The concept, as it evolved, was to help clean up the 7.200 mHz frequency and get the jammers, or “QRMers” off the frequency, or get them to adhere to the Amateur Radio Code of Conduct as laid out by the FCC.  In short, the idea is to get the people operating there to become better Amateur operators and stop jamming the frequency.  I liked the idea so much that I joined, becoming member #11.  According to the group secretary, Alexander Croci, WB3ATF, the group was going to set up a website (we’ll see) and there will be a few more ‘perks’.  Some of the group’s goals include reporting interference to the ARRL’s Volunteer Monitor Program.  Considering the volume of interference on this particular frequency, I recorded about 90 minutes worth of audio from what turned out to be a lively Friday night, as you’ll notice in the audio segment below:

I do lots of recording. Watch for more!

73 de K1FRC