K1FRC Amateur Radio Online

So, what about me and my hobby?

I’m Steve and you already know my FCC-issued callsign.  I thought I’d put together a site that combines my love for radio communications together with my love for my country, and this is the result.  It’s a constant work in progress, when I have time.  After all.  Family comes first.  Happy wife, happy life!

You can view and read about the things that interest me by clicking on the top menu.  My life is pretty much an open book.  Anyone who knows me on Facebook or hears me on Ham Radio’s only freeform talk frequency, 7.200 will attest to that!  And I’m gonna warn you now.  I lean right wing, politically.  I don’t care much for Democrats, crybabies or those who trash talk the United States of America.  I served 13 years in the United States Navy – and ALL VETERANS ARE WELCOME HERE from all eras!

I started this website about a year ago, with the intent of providing some kind of a service to the Amateur Radio Community.  Not having found its niche yet, I’ve decided to build this out in sections.  On-Air Activities, Solar Conditions, Cultural/Political (why not?  You’ll find that hams on HF fight about politics all the time!  This will be no different.) and Weather.  Don’t even bring up so-called “climate change”.  Puh-lease!…  You won’t find me in an all-electric car.

Thats pretty much it.  My QRZ.com Logbook is posted below.  I can save you the trouble of logging in there, since I’m going to install or create an entire interactive section of callsign lookups, etc, and save you the trouble.  I have a callsign profile page at QRZ.com which you can view HERE.

73 and thanks for stopping by!

Steve – K1FRC



K1FRC Station Information:


Icom IC-7610, Yaesu FT-DX 10, SDRPlay RSPdx running SDR Connect, SDRuno and SDR Console. The first two pieces of receiver software were created by SDRPlay, SDRconnect being their newest product under development. You can download versions of each software package at https://sdrplay.com. SDR Console is available at SDR-Radio.com 

The computer used for audio (and this website) is a new machine I built that will be used to produce Audio/videos and remote terminal for the IC-7610 and the FT-DX 10.  It’s running Windows 11 Pro, with 2, 1 TB internal SSD drives and 96 megabytes of RAM.  I think I should sign up to help run NASA space programs with that machine, hi hi!  I guess I’m gonna start doing some gaming, too.   I’m also dabbling in Linux programming on this same machine, since these days you don’t need a dual-boot system, you can simply launch either Ubuntu or Kali-Linux via the Windows Command Prompt or Windows Terminal.  Who knew?!


Player Schedule:

We have a custom streaming player for a planned live stream of K1FRC.  It’s currently offline while I move to a new location, but in a few months, the player will return, and I’ll live stream certain on-air events, such as contesting, or when I record the malicious activities on the most notorious frequencies in Amateur Radio – 3.860, 3.927, 7.200 and 14.313, respectively.  Visit the “Wall of Shame” page for an interesting view of Amateur Operators who have either lost their FCC license or SHOULD lose their licenses for operating with malicious intent, transmitting obscenities or just being a general nuisance on the air.  This should prove VERY interesting! – UNDER CONSTRUCTION.